How Internal Comms, Employee Engagement & Employee Experience fit together

How Internal Comms, Employee Engagement & Employee Experience fit together
apríl 2021
IC / EE / EX - sú to rôzne názvy pre podobnú vec; alebo tri odlišné funkcie, ktoré si navzájom konkurujú?

Kedy: streda 21.4.2021, 13:00 (nášho času)
Kde: Online webinár

Webinár v angličtine:

This webinar marks the end of 'phase one' of the Employee Experience Opportunity. Mike Sharples and Nicholas Wardle will be discussing their new book, Monetising the Employee Experience, and will be giving an overview of the EX Toolkit - which will help organisations to deliver an effective employee experience.
As an added bonus, all attendees will recieve a free copy of the ebook. 

Záznam z webináru je pre členov AICO cez link TU.